Prattle & Jaw

Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: Politiken

Shitty Link Baiting

Of all the link baiting there is, this is the kind I hate the most.

Politiken, one of Denmark's leading papers, posted the below on Facebook. It basically says that the new HBO series with Maggie Gyllenhaal is really good. It doesn't, of course, mention what the series is called, so to find out I have to click the link. Now while this does give the social media ninjas at Politiken one more hit to compute into their Facebook analytics and website Excel sheet, all it does is piss me off.

Why not just name the series in the original post? I'd have what I wanted, I'd know it was Politiken who gave me the information, and I wouldn't be pissed off. Are those hits really worth it? I doubt it. If you ask me, it's far better to keep people happy. 

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