Prattle & Jaw

Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Category: Social Media

Free Trip Home For Christmas

Anthon Berg have this whole generosity thing going, which I've always liked. It's a bit different, it's clever, and it works. I really liked their TV spot from three years (!) ago.  Anyway, back to 2014. This year, and I think they did it last year too, they're offering students a free train ride home. There are two routes, which together cover most of Denmark, and are two-way of course. All you have to do is produce a valid student card, and share the generosity, which I presume - being students - means bring crisps and beer to share. 

I think it's a wonderful idea. 

A Week of Internet Goodness

I've been really slack in blogging recently, so instead of fretting about it, I've decided to do one post a week on Fridays (unless I really can't wait with something). So here's the first week. Enjoy.

Thanks to Guy, for that. 

Handy VLC tricks, like recording your desktop and downloading YouTube videos. 

John Lewis' 2014 Christmas ad, by Adam & Eve, makes me tear up - again - but I did think it was going to be worse. I did think it was going to go full Calvin and Hobbes, which would have ruined my computer, but thankfully it didn't. 

Russell Brand meets Blur.

Snoop Dogg likes to grow giant vegetables, apparently.

The world's first first person POV action film. 

Like Eminem and The Beatles? Try 'em mashed up together. Sounds mad, but it works. 

You remember Catvertising? John St., the agency behind it, is back. It's super fucking fast content creation. 

It's the analogue digital version of leaving a crap in a brown paper bag on someone's doorstep and setting fire to it. Or something. 

The weirdest thing you'll see this week, I guarantee it. 

Shitty Link Baiting

Of all the link baiting there is, this is the kind I hate the most.

Politiken, one of Denmark's leading papers, posted the below on Facebook. It basically says that the new HBO series with Maggie Gyllenhaal is really good. It doesn't, of course, mention what the series is called, so to find out I have to click the link. Now while this does give the social media ninjas at Politiken one more hit to compute into their Facebook analytics and website Excel sheet, all it does is piss me off.

Why not just name the series in the original post? I'd have what I wanted, I'd know it was Politiken who gave me the information, and I wouldn't be pissed off. Are those hits really worth it? I doubt it. If you ask me, it's far better to keep people happy. 

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