Prattle & Jaw

Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: Denmark

Danish Anti-Speeding Spot

There's been a lot in the news about the Danish police increasing the number of speed cameras on Danish roads. This is a good thing, but there has also been a worrying amount of people genuinely unhappy about this. I can't for the life of me imagine why, but there you go. 

I'm a huge fan of this spot from the Rådet for Sikker Trafik (the Road Safety Council). The tag reads, "More speed cameras - lower speed - fewer accidents." What I like about it is the approach. It's so relatable and simple. No blood, no gore, no special effects, no crash - just everyday life. For me, this has far more impact than any other anti-speeding PSA, no matter how horrific. If you're honestly an advocate for fewer cameras, I'd love to hear what you make of this ad. 

Free Trip Home For Christmas

Anthon Berg have this whole generosity thing going, which I've always liked. It's a bit different, it's clever, and it works. I really liked their TV spot from three years (!) ago.  Anyway, back to 2014. This year, and I think they did it last year too, they're offering students a free train ride home. There are two routes, which together cover most of Denmark, and are two-way of course. All you have to do is produce a valid student card, and share the generosity, which I presume - being students - means bring crisps and beer to share. 

I think it's a wonderful idea. 

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