Prattle & Jaw

Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: The Cabin in the Woods

The (New) Evil Dead

Had a bit of a discussion over on Facebook about the reboot of The Evil Dead. I don't think it's a good idea, but others do, obviously. I don't see the point, and think it'll come out as an daft teenage version of The Cabin in the Woods, i.e., teenagers, blood and gore, and screaming. I'm very, very skeptical about it, and even more so having seen this rather generic (but still quite cool) poster which has an extremely generic horror film claim all over it. I eagerly await the release. 

Evil Dead. Again

To me, this looks like what everyone thought The Cabin in the Woods would be, i.e. teens, lots of blood, and a lot of seen-it-all-before stuff (even though Raimi did the screenplay). What a shame. I'll make my kids watch the original(s). You know, when they're old enough and all that. 

Update: After some discussion over on Facebook, it has been established that this is a reboot, and not a remake. Reboots being a film made on the same idea, but having nothing else in common with the original. Remakes are just that - a copy of the original film). 

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