How to get people to vote. Especially those pesky kids.
Denmark, being the liberal country it is, opted for blowjobs. But then changed their mind and pulled it.
The European Parliment themselves got Ogilvy Brussels to make voting look far more exciting than it really is.
Sweden, being as liberal - if not more so - than Denmark, decided to go a far more somber and impressive route.

Swedish network provider,, part of Umeå Energi, wants you to live without lag online (you know, provided you live in Umeå). They made a fun demonstartion of just how annoying it can be.

Thanks Emma.
Swedish agency Söderhavet was asked by the Swedish government to develop a new global visual brand identity for Sweden. It went live on November 9th, and is pretty damn nice. The flag and a new font are the primary carriers, but there's much more to it. Check out the shots below, visit the site, and read the case over at Söderhavet. Great work.

Via Creative Review.