Leo Burnett's rather clever YouTube campaign from last year is followed up this year by an equally nice (better, in many ways) print campaign. The box, in case you're wondering, is the box you must tick on job applications to say whether you've served time or not. It's extremely hard for ex-offernders to find work after a stint inside, no matter what they went in for, what education they have, and what courses they completed while inside.

Via Creative Review.
Trent Bell, usually an architectural photographer, created this series after a friend ended up in gaol for 36 years. Touching, heartfelt and all too late.

Via Buzzfeed.
I really like this campaign by Leo Burnett, which uses a YouTube ad to show how ex-offenders are so easily skipped over by employers and recruiters. Everyone - surely that's literally - skips the ads on YouTube, and perhaps the same can be said for ex-cons when they try to seek employment.
Hugh Todd, creative at Leo Burnett says, "With the subject of ex-offenders being such a contentious issue, we wanted to create a thought-provoking idea. Something that would make people re-assess how they feel towards ex-offenders. Using and subverting the ‘skip ad’ button gave us the perfect opportunity to do this."
Check out the ad over at Business in the Community.