Pornhub (link is most likely NSFW) is looking for a creative director, and decided to find him or her via a bit of a crowdsourced route. Anyone interested had to create and upload a SFW (safe for work) ad for Pornhub. The company then chose 15 finalists, all of which are now up online for public voting. The winner gets the job title and a one year contract. I'm not entirely convinced about the whole thing, but it makes for some interesting ads. The one below is my favourite.
This is the second good crowdsourcing idea I've seen in just as many days. Ripley, a Chilean clothing and footwear company, wanted their catalogue to be a little different than all the other catalogues. They set up a outdoor photo studio, and invited all their fans to come and be the photographers which meant photos shared on every social media imaginable. The final results were then uploaded by Ripley, and the photos with the most votes got to be printed in their catalogue, together with the photographer's name. Pretty good idea.
Crowdsourcing is taken to the extreme in Graham Coxon's new video, What'll It Take. He asked his fans to dance on camera, and then created this video made up of clips from 85 fans from 22 countries. Brilliant.