Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: Christmas

Christmas 2013

I've got 5 favourite Christmas ads, yes, two of which are John Lewis ads but so what. They're wonderful. Two others are pretty old, and the last is from last year. Here they all are for your Christmas enjoyment.

Later today, I'm off to the Motherland for a weekend in London and then a week in the countryside with family. Happy Christmas everyone. I hope yours is as good as mine. 

Sorry for the terrible quality of this one. If anyone finds a better one I'll buy them a mince pie.

John Lewis Christmas 2013

Almost as anticipated as Christmas itself (maybe not), it's another lovely spot for John Lewis this Christmas. It's Disney, it's Watership Down, it's best mates, it's Christmas, and it hit me in the feels. It's also Lilly Allen and Keane. By, you guessed it, Adam & Eve/DDB.

Something I particularly like about the John Lewis Christmas ads is that they never use the same tagline when they easily could have. You might argue it'd make for a more memorable brand, but instead they opt for a new one each time, which makes each spot stronger. 2011 was 'For gifts you can't wait to give', 2012 was 'Give a little more love this Christmas' (in my mind, not as strong as 2011 or 2013), and this year we get 'Give someone a Christmas they'll never forget', which is reminiscent of 2011. I wonder when in the year they start work on the next one. Probably around now.

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