I saw something the other day that reminded me of Herb Ritts. He was a great, great photographer, and not a bad video director either. His photos, or posters of his photos, adorned the dorm walls at school, and later, the glossy pages of The Face and countless other magazines. They might reek of the 80s and 90s, but they're still beautiful. Here are some of my favourites.
A man asked his two brothers to be his best men on his wedding day. They formed one of the best 80s bands ever, Rufus Starlight, and made him this video. It's brilliant. Not to mention catchy.
"At his wedding we pleaded for our brother not to leave us, in the only way we knew how to say it; through the the medium of 80s music and video. We thought we'd done ok, but he left us anyway."

Via Geeks Are Sexy.