Dubstep Christmas
I'm not sure, but I don't think my Dad would be up for this.
"Every year, my family tries to do something special with out Christmas lights. We'll usually go to Target, Costco, WalMart, and other Christmas specialty popup stores to find the most innovative lighting and lawn sculptures that can make our house the most unique Christmas display in our subdivision. In recent years, I felt like my father had been 'falling off his game.' I took matters into my own hands. I turned our house into a magical dubstep Christmas light show, to the tune of First Of The Year (Equinox) by Skrillex. At first, my parents wondered if we could use a different song, like something off Michael Buble's Christmas album. Then I told him, 'It's what the kids are listening to, dad. It's the dubsteps.'"

Thanks to Sam.