IKEA's energy thieves
I was reminded of these ads yesterday and thought I should share them here. I love way they’ve made familiar situations the enemy instead of harping on about cost, the environment or design.
I was reminded of these ads yesterday and thought I should share them here. I love way they’ve made familiar situations the enemy instead of harping on about cost, the environment or design.
I randomly discovered – I can’t even remember how – that the state motto for California is "Eureka” and is from 1849. This made me wonder what the other states chose for their motto and when. I would like to know the why too, but I simply don’t have the time to dig around (although as I write this, I think I might if I find a particularly odd one).
Anyway, here, for your pleasure, are all 50 state mottos and their seals. Just because.
Audemus jura nostra defendere, 1923
We dare defend our rights
North to the Future,1967
Samoa, Muamua Le Atua, 1973
Samoa, let Atua be first
Ditat Deus, 1863
God enriches
Regnat populus, 1907
The people rule
Eureka, 1849
I have found it
Nil sine numine, 1861
Nothing without providence
Qui transtulit sustinet, 1662
He who transplanted still sustains
Liberty and Independence, 1847
Justitia Omnibus, 1871
Justice for all
In God We Trust, 1868
Wisdom, Justice, Moderation, 1798
Guam doesn’t have one, apparently. Nice seal, though.
Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono, 1843
The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness
Esto perpetua, 1890
Let it be perpetual
State sovereignty, national union, 1819
Crossroads of America, 1937
Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain, 1847
Ad astra per aspera, 1861
To the stars through difficulties
United we stand, divided we fall, 1942
Union, justice, confidence, 1902
Dirigo, 1820
I lead
Fatti maschi, parole femine, 1874
Strong deeds, gentle words
Bonus info: Apparently, Maryland had Roman Catholic founders, hence the Italian.
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem, 1775
By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty
Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice, 1835
If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you [love this. So basic]
L'Étoile du Nord, 1861
The star of the North
Bonus info: French was used to honor the French explorers who visited the Minnesota area in the 17th century
Virtute et armis, 1894
By valor and arms
Salus populi suprema lex esto, 1822
Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law
Oro y plata, 1865
Gold and silver [it does what it says on the tin]
Equality before the law, 1876
All For Our Country, 1866
Live Free or Die, 1945
Liberty and prosperity, 1928
Crescit eundo
It grows as it goes, 1887 [points for the rhyme]
Excelsior, 1778
Ever upward
Esse quam videri, 1893
To be, rather than to seem [points for philosophy]
Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable, 1863
This lot don’t have one either.
With God, all things are possible, 1959 [are they tho]
Labor omnia vincit, 1893
Labor conquers all things [I think it’s love but OK]
Alis volat propriis, 1854
She flies with her own wings
Virtue, liberty, and independence, 1875
Joannes Est Nomen Ejus, 1664
John is his name
Bonus info: So this refers to St. John the Baptist or San Juan Bautista, the original Spanish name of the island. Makes for an interesting motto.
Hope, 1664
Dum spiro spero, 1777
While I breathe, I hope
Under God the people rule, 1885
Agriculture and Commerce, 1802
Friendship, 1930
Industry, 1896
Freedom and Unity, 1779
Sic semper tyrannis, 1776
Thus always to tyrants
United in Pride and Hope, 1991
Al-ki or Alki
By and by
Bonus info: Chinook Jargon (a language originating as a pidgin trade language in the Pacific Northwest) and no date!
Montani semper liberi, 1863
Mountaineers are always free [deep]
Forward, 1851
Equal Rights, 1893 [with two white dudes]
Did I regret doing this halfway through? Yes, yes I did.
I love they’ve used the torn paper as the key element in these ads. I’d argue (without thinking about it too much beforehand which is essentially my modus operadi) that the feel of tearing that paper is unique to Cornetto. Sure, there are other ice creams you need to tear paper off, but there is something about the paper on a Cornetto. Try it and tell me I’m wrong. Betting on that asset was a bold move but it’s one I can get behind 100%.
Who needs to show the product amirite?
By LOLA MullenLowe.