The Open University of California
Raging debate akin to that which surrounded the London Olympics logo going on over The University of California's new logo, but surely I can't be the only one who immediately thinks of the UK's Open University?
Raging debate akin to that which surrounded the London Olympics logo going on over The University of California's new logo, but surely I can't be the only one who immediately thinks of the UK's Open University?
Over on Reddit there's a whole lot of discussion going on about whether the logo that won the logo competition for EXPO 2015 is any good. I won't go in to details, but there's lots of talk of width, fonts, kerning, gradients, colours, transparency and other bits (you can read it all here). I like it. I like in the same way I came to like the London 2012 Olympics logo. Take a look at the other entries. I'm no designer, but if you ask me, it stands head and shoulders above the others. It's bold, it's interesting, it's different, it's modern and brave - I'm sure there are more designery words for this, but there you go.