Prattle & Jaw

Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: iPhone

Apple is Misunderstood

Apple hasn't had the best of luck this year with ads, but everyone seems to be going all gooey eyed over this latest spot. But if you ask me, while it's nice, cute and Christmassy, it's not all that. It's generic, very un-Apple (I'm a misunderstood teenager! Wah!), and he never holds the phone horizontally (OK that one was petty, but still). This is something I'd expect from Samsung. Bah humbug and all that. By TBWA.

Update: Thanks to Tim on Twitter who gave me the link from which this quote comes. "In its latest ad, with an 'if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em' message, Apple isn’t carving aspirational ground, it’s caving to people’s vices." Nailed it. 

Copyright © 2022, Lara Mulady. All rights reserved.