If you're ever in Phoenix, AZ, then pop by the David Wright house. I only saw it from the outside, shortly after it was saved from being demolished, but have every intention of going back and getting inside another time.
I love this idea. The Danish Architecture Centre has organised an instawalk around Copenhagen's harbour to coincide with the exhibition, Your Harbour, which is currently running at the DAC (ends June 16th). Basically, you meet up at the given time and place, and some kind people from the DAC will take you for a walk around the harbour, showing you the best photo spots, and educating you on the way. The aim of the walk is for you to Instagram your app off, using the tag #havnenerdin (the harbour is yours). The best photos will be shown in the exhibition as well as being uploaded to Facebook.
I love this because it's a clever use of social media; because it gets people outside; because it pushes wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen out there; and because it encourages creativity. What's not to like? Check out the event on Facebook (it's in Danish, but you know, copy/paste Google translate) and maybe head that way on Sunday. Maybe I'll see you there.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a fascination of all things WW1/2, bunkers (and castles, but they're not really WW1/2) in particular. I lose myself completely when I'm in or around one, and sometimes, photos, such as these by Jonathan Andrews, are enough.

I really wanted to call this post 'Bonkers About Bunkers' but I managed to resist.