Ze Internet. Chapter 5 — Prattle & Jaw

Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Ze Internet. Chapter 5

This week went incredibly quickly and nothing really amazing happened. To me, at least. All kinds of crap happened out there in the world. Don't get me started on America and their trigger happy cops. Our baby hasn't appeared yet, which is, quite understandably I think, all that I'm waiting for right now, so while I wait, you can look at this week's selection of crap from the internet. Lots of videos this week for some reason. Watch them. Do it. 

Let's revisit space to start with. Face it; you can never have enough. This is extremely beautiful, and quite thought provoking. 

Here's some more space. Well, typography and space. It's a great post about typography in Alien, a movie with a tagline so perfectly terrifying that it still gives me the shivers, 28 years after I first read it. 

Now let's look at brains! How strange to see one like this instead of the usual grey, solidified lump we get to see. I must admit I was shocked to see it so...gloopy. 

Where there's brains, there's zombies. This is an excellent zombie short from 2013.

And back to space. This is a nice cartoon of 'The most astounding fact', originally spoken by Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Almost better hearing him say it

Here is what London would look like if we turned off all the lights. I find this so captivating. I long to spend time where there is zero light pollution. The closest I came was this summer, at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. We were listening to one of the park rangers give a short lecture about the canyon, when I just happened to look up and there, in all its wonderful glory, was the Milky Way. I didn't have my camera with me, and wasn't sure how I'd go about taking a photo even if I did (pretty sure there's more to it than wide angle lens and long exposure. Or is there?), so instead I just sat open mouthed, gazing upwards at the night sky. It was magical. 

OK, final space related thing this week, that new Star Wars trailer.

And now for something completely different. 

Have a good weekend. 

Copyright © 2022, Lara Mulady. All rights reserved.