Prattle & Jaw

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Drone's Eye View of Burning Man 2013

I've never been to Burning Man. I've wanted to for years, but time and money always get in the way. I suppose I'm also a bit hesitant as well, as if I had really wanted to go, I'd have gone. I know a handful of people who've gone a number of times, and still go, and they have nothing but good things to say about it. A few of them do recall their first times as a bit WTF, for want of a better expression, and there's often talk about choosing between being a spectator or a participant; do you go full in, or stand by and watch the others. I think I'm a watcher. At least, I'm sure I would be at Burning Man as I'm yet to be full on at Glastonbury, what I should think is my closest experience to BM. But that's not the only reason. The other is that I've never been able to put heat with music, dancing and general festivities. Mostly because when I'm hot I'm on a beach or in a desert and that, to me, means still, calm and relaxation, rather than drinks, dancing and parties. I never did a Full Moon Party, I've never been to Ibizia and I probably never will. However, that all said, I'm quite confident that at Burning Man there are places you can go and sit and just look at the incredible view that Nevada offers. I love the Southwest of America, and that's actually the biggest appeal to me. I read once that at Burning Man, you can ride your bike with your eyes closed, and to me, that sounds like sheer bliss. 

Anyway, enough rambling. Here is a video of Burning Man from the air. 

Via a good article in Fast Company.

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