Another late post this week. It's been beautiful weather and to be perfectly honest, I've been out a lot rather than in the office. I'm sure you understand. I've now got 30 minutes before dinner is ready and guests arrive (we eat early now we're parent type people), so I'll try and make this post have some kind of coherence. Not that they usually do but who cares?
This video will make you angry. So think calm thoughts.
We lost Terry Pratchett this week. Very sad news. He's been a figure in most of my life, thanks to my brother who was a big fan. I'll admit I've never read his books. I was never a huge fan of fiction, but I've started to lean that way these days. Despite my not reading his books, I still found his last tweets and the emotional response to his death overwhelming.
I've never been on a cruise ship, but I've always been tempted by it. There's something intriguing about living in a contained area for a certain amount of time. Great for people watching too.
The mighty, mighty mountains. I've also never been to the Himalayas, and given the choice between them and a cruise ship, I'd get cold any day of the week.
Here's a taste of Austria. I have been to Austria. Twice, so there.
Excellent drone footage through the Crossrail tunnels in Loondon. I've never flown a drone, but I did see one crash into a crowd watching a cruise ship dock in Hamburg (apparently it was a very exciting cruise ship. New or something).
That's it! Go about your weekend.
Hello and welcome to another week of the internet. Not too much to prattle on about this week, so let's just jump right in.
It's been really cold on the east coast of the US right now, so cold in fact, that NYC is surrounded by ice. Very pretty.
Speaking of New York, take a look at these maps of the world's biggest cities according to tourist photos. Data artist Eric Fischer used geotagging information to map where tourists and locals take photographs of cities around the world.
Areas marked red on the maps show the places where tourists take photos, blue designates locals and yellow is where it’s too hard to determine which is which. It's pretty interesting to see the differences - especially if you know the city well. You can see a lot more over on Flickr.
I often find myself missing London, but know that I'm missing a London that just doesn't exist anymore. I'm actually quite glad I left when I did. I think it'd be heartbreaking to witness the changes firsthand. I read about a shop called 'Champagne and Cheese' that now exists in Brixton Market. How is that even possible? Anyway, London is Changing, "is intended to facilitate discussion about the impact of economic and policy changes on the culture and diversity of London. Via a web form, we are asking a series of questions intended to capture a variety of personal stories and circumstances that will enhance understanding of broader demographic trends concerning migration into, out of, and around London. An edited selection of responses from the web form is currently on display on digital billboards in Central London and new responses are being added daily." The responses are sad, but true. I've watched as my London friends have been forced further and further out into the suburbs as their old homes were either bulldozed to create new, generic blocks of flats for the super-rich (none of whom actually live in London), or their rents grew astronomically high - again, only in reach of the super-rich. What will become of London?
Ever wonder how your favourite drink is made? Wonder no more.
I spent most of today (Friday), annoyed about a picture of a dress. When I actually read about it, it was interesting. Here's a video that sums it all up.
Obligatory space bit in the form of " catalogs the active human-made machines that freckle our solar system and dot our galaxy. For each space probe, we've affectionately crafted a short-and-sweet summary as well as handpicked geeky hyperlinks we think are worth exploring." The site is really worth digging around in. It's a goldmine of spacey information.
I think I'll leave you with this.
Have a wonderful weekend!
This week is late, and not very long. The reason it's late and not very long is because I became a mother on Thursday. The little gentleman was four days early, so was a bit of a surprise. Seeing as I had been pressuring him for weeks to arrive on the 10th (you know, for 10/12/14), it hardly seems fair to blame him. Anyway. Here is the internet, last week, now.
I'm afraid we're going to look at space again. I know I go on about space, but just...just...OK? Here is a cinematic tribute to that big out there. Odd that Contact isn't in there. Thought that was very beautiful, and man! Talk about a twist.
I love this flashback to my youth, in the shape of a cassette tape achieve called Tapedeck. " is a project of, built to showcase the amazing beauty and (sometimes) weirdness found in the designs of the common audio tape cassette."
This is from 2012, but so what if it's old?!
London's Crossrail project is churning out some stunning images. What I'd give to get into one of those tunnels.
Mad Max is looking really good. I'm actually looking forward to this.
Well that's it for this week as I think I have a good excuse so there.